南 杏佳 Minami,Kyoka
プロフィール (1866文字)
プロフィール (1866文字)
京都市立芸術大学音楽学部ピアノ専攻を卒業後、ボストン音楽院にて修士課程、Graduate Performance Diploma課程を修了。幼少期を米国ボストンにて過ごす。2024年ルイスヴィル湖国際ピアノコンクールにて第3位受賞。リベイラン・プレート交響楽団、サンパウロ青少年交響楽団、ボストン音楽院管弦楽団らとピアノコンチェルトを共演。
国内では、ピティナ・ピアノコンペティションC級全国大会ベスト賞、Jr.G級、F級全国大会入選、G級全国大会ベスト賞、2024年特級グランプリ受賞。堺国際ピアノコンクールC級第1位、D級第2位、E級第1位、一般部門第1位ならびにオーディエンス賞。これまでに、甲斐環氏、Alice Wilkinson氏、クラウディオ・ソアレス氏、服部久美子氏、田村響氏、Max Levinson氏に師事。2019年度公益財団法人青山音楽財団奨学生。
In 2024, she won the grand prix in the Grade Superior of the 48th PTNA Piano Competition.
At the same time, she received an award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Steinway Award and Audience Award.
After graduating from Kyoto City University of Arts with a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano, she completed her Master's degree and Graduate Performance Diploma program at Boston Conservatory of Music.
She spent her childhood in Boston, U.S.A.
In the PTNA Piano Competition, she won the Best Award in Grade C and G, chosen as a finalist in Grade Jr. G and F.
In Sakai International Piano Competition, she won the 1st prize in Grade C and E, the 2nd grade in Grade D, won the 1st prize and Audience Award in General Category.
In the All Japan Student Music Competition, won 1st prize at the elementary school division in Osaka, and won the 3rd prize in the final round.
In 2024, she won the third prize at the The Lewisville Lake Symphony International Competition for Piano. She has performed piano concertos with the Ribeirão Preto Symphony Orchestra, the The São Paulo State Youth Orchestra, and the Boston Conservatory Orchestra.
She has studied with Tamaki Kai, Alice Wilkinson, Claudio Soares, Kumiko Hattori, Hibiki Tamura, and Max Levinson. 2019 Aoyama Music Foundation Scholarship recipient.
京都市立芸術大学音楽学部ピアノ専攻を卒業後、ボストン音楽院にて修士課程、Graduate Performance Diploma課程を修了。幼少期を米国ボストンにて過ごす。2024年ルイスヴィル湖国際ピアノコンクールにて第3位受賞。リベイラン・プレート交響楽団、サンパウロ青少年交響楽団、ボストン音楽院管弦楽団らとピアノコンチェルトを共演。
国内では、ピティナ・ピアノコンペティションC級全国大会ベスト賞、Jr.G級、F級全国大会入選、G級全国大会ベスト賞、2024年特級グランプリ受賞。堺国際ピアノコンクールC級第1位、D級第2位、E級第1位、一般部門第1位ならびにオーディエンス賞。これまでに、甲斐環氏、Alice Wilkinson氏、クラウディオ・ソアレス氏、服部久美子氏、田村響氏、Max Levinson氏に師事。2019年度公益財団法人青山音楽財団奨学生。
In 2024, she won the grand prix in the Grade Superior of the 48th PTNA Piano Competition.
At the same time, she received an award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Steinway Award and Audience Award.
After graduating from Kyoto City University of Arts with a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano, she completed her Master's degree and Graduate Performance Diploma program at Boston Conservatory of Music.
She spent her childhood in Boston, U.S.A.
In the PTNA Piano Competition, she won the Best Award in Grade C and G, chosen as a finalist in Grade Jr. G and F.
In Sakai International Piano Competition, she won the 1st prize in Grade C and E, the 2nd grade in Grade D, won the 1st prize and Audience Award in General Category.
In the All Japan Student Music Competition, won 1st prize at the elementary school division in Osaka, and won the 3rd prize in the final round.
In 2024, she won the third prize at the The Lewisville Lake Symphony International Competition for Piano. She has performed piano concertos with the Ribeirão Preto Symphony Orchestra, the The São Paulo State Youth Orchestra, and the Boston Conservatory Orchestra.
She has studied with Tamaki Kai, Alice Wilkinson, Claudio Soares, Kumiko Hattori, Hibiki Tamura, and Max Levinson. 2019 Aoyama Music Foundation Scholarship recipient.
ピティナ&提携チャンネル動画 (12)
ソナタ 第54番 ト長調 Hob.XVI:40 op.37-1
於:第一生命ホール(2024年ピティナ・ピアノコンペティション 特級 セミファイナル)