大山 桃暖 Oyama, Modan

プロフィール (1690文字)
プロフィール (1690文字)
ザルツブルク=モーツァルト国際室内楽コンクールin Tokyo 2024 ピアノソロ部門 実演奏スタイル 第2位(最高位)。第3回クライバーン国際ジュニアピアノコンクール2023(アメリカ) セミファイナリスト。第6回いしかわ国際ピアノコンクール 一般部門 第5位、海老彰子審査員特別賞受賞。第75回全日本学生音楽コンクール 高校の部 第1位及び横浜市民賞、音楽奨励賞、野村賞、井口愛子賞、NHK会長賞受賞。第45回ピティナ・ピアノコンペティションG級 銅賞、2024年第48回特級入選。Young Verona Piano Competition 2021(イタリア) 第1位。これまでに、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、一休(IKKYU)フィルハーモニー、クラコン記念オーケストラと共演。2023浜松国際ピアノアカデミー受講。芹澤文美、芹澤佳司、両氏に師事。福田靖子賞基金奨学生。大阪音楽大学演奏家特別コース1年。
In 2024, he was selected as the finalists in the Grade Superior of the 48th PTNA Piano Competition.
He won the 2nd prize(the highest prize) in Salzburg Mozart International Chamber Music Competition in Tokyo 2024 in Piano Solo Category of Actual Performance Style, Semifinalist of the 3rd Cliburn International Junior Piano Competition 2023 (U.S.A.), won the 5th prize and Akiko Ebi Jury Prize in the 6th Ishikawa International Piano Competition in General Category.
Won the first Prize and Yokohama Citizens' Prize, Music Encouragement Prize, Nomura Prize, Aiko Iguchi Prize, and NHK Chairman's Prize at the 75th All Japan Student Piano Competition in High School Category.
He won the Bronze Prize in the 45th PTNA Piano Competition, in Category G, and the 1st Prize in the Young Verona Piano Competition 2021 (Italy).
She has performed with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the IKKYU Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Kurakon Memorial Orchestra.
Attended the 2023 Hamamatsu International Piano Academy.
He has studied with Ayami Serizawa and Keiji Serizawa. He is a recipient of the Yasuko Fukuda Foundation Scholarship.
Currently he is in the 1st grade of the Special Course for Performers at Osaka College of Music.
In 2024, he was selected as the finalists in the Grade Superior of the 48th PTNA Piano Competition.
He won the 2nd prize(the highest prize) in Salzburg Mozart International Chamber Music Competition in Tokyo 2024 in Piano Solo Category of Actual Performance Style, Semifinalist of the 3rd Cliburn International Junior Piano Competition 2023 (U.S.A.), won the 5th prize and Akiko Ebi Jury Prize in the 6th Ishikawa International Piano Competition in General Category.
Won the first Prize and Yokohama Citizens' Prize, Music Encouragement Prize, Nomura Prize, Aiko Iguchi Prize, and NHK Chairman's Prize at the 75th All Japan Student Piano Competition in High School Category.
He won the Bronze Prize in the 45th PTNA Piano Competition, in Category G, and the 1st Prize in the Young Verona Piano Competition 2021 (Italy).
She has performed with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the IKKYU Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Kurakon Memorial Orchestra.
Attended the 2023 Hamamatsu International Piano Academy.
He has studied with Ayami Serizawa and Keiji Serizawa. He is a recipient of the Yasuko Fukuda Foundation Scholarship.
Currently he is in the 1st grade of the Special Course for Performers at Osaka College of Music.
ピティナ&提携チャンネル動画 (26)
謝肉祭「4つの音符による面白い情景」 ペリシテ人と戦うダヴィッド同盟の行進
於:第一生命ホール(2024年ピティナ・ピアノコンペティション 特級 セミファイナル)
謝肉祭「4つの音符による面白い情景」 A.S.C.H.-S.C.H.A ~踊る文字
於:第一生命ホール(2024年ピティナ・ピアノコンペティション 特級 セミファイナル)